Many consider the psoas to be the most important core muscle in your body. It is located behind your abdominal muscles providing a shelf that supports your organs. The psoas reaches from your solar plexus all the way to your inner thigh, one of the primary muscles connecting your upper and lower body. The psoas is activated with every step you take.
When you're scared your abs automatically tighten, right? That is your psoas reacting to an urgent message. A healthy psoas is essential to the movements associated with fight or flight reactions and by extension to the health of your spine. A post-Pilates psoas will help prevent painful injuries such as herniated discs and pinched nerves.
A sedentary lifestyle can be hell on your muscles elasticity. Moving from the office chair to the couch can cause your psoas to shorten and lose flexibility greatly increasing the chance of injury. No one wants to be laid-up and unable to walk because of a preventable injury.
Pilates is not just for your health and fitness today. It's for your health and fitness tomorrow. Our bodies are a series of interconnected parts. By stretching and elongating essential core muscles such as the psoas we can help ensure an upright and pain free future.
We would love to see you at our South Bay Pilates studio. But, even if you practice at home or attend Pilates workshops be sure to be consistent. A firm commitment to the practice of Pilates will improve your quality of life and have a huge impact on pain reduction and the avoidance of nagging or debilitating injury.
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