Most clients at our Pilates studio have relayed their happiness to us over the increased body awareness they enjoy as their Pilates studies progress. No matter your current physical abilities, from your average Joe looking to shed a few pounds to professional athletes, Pilates classes are one of the very best ways to improve your range of motion, flexibility, posture, strength, and of course, body awareness.
Doing simple Pilates exercises at home is enough for you to get these great health benefits. However, when a student is properly supervised during a private one-on-one session or at a Pilates class, their awareness will increase almost exponentially. This is because, when we're on our own, many of us exercise the wrong way utilizing incorrect posture. More often than not, this could actually have a negative effect, resulting in injury or weak postural muscles. Pilates instructors will teach you the correct way to develop your core muscles and to correct that posture, using your own awareness. This way, you'll perform every physical activity in a way that more beneficial for your body overall.
When you work out at a Pilates studio regularly, you’ll find that your efforts to center your body will develop into a daily routine that you utilize in nearly every activity. You'll be inclined to engage your core when doing everyday tasks like sitting at your desk, cooking, washing dishes and cleaning. By increasing your focus on the way your body moves at all times, you’ll retrain your mind and muscles to build more symmetry and coordination.
Ultimately, Pilates will affect both your physical and mental awareness. You'll see a noticeable increase in the focus on your movement, making you more present in every aspect of your life and carrying over to every fiber of your being.